If we can be still long enough for the mind to clear and the body to relax, that is when true healing takes place.

There are many ways in which we heal and multiple paths to get there. I personally use Ayurveda and Kundalini Yoga as my "go to" tools for all things health and wellness. They are my guides to feeling bright, beautiful, comfortable and cozy in my body. Although I had been practicing yoga and Ayurveda my whole life, when I got into my teenage years and early 20s I felt disconnected from myself. All I wanted to do was run away and find a new me that felt, looked and acted differently. It was challenging for quite sometime. I needed a re-boot of inspiration and a way back to my truth.

After 4 years of college in New Mexico where I graduated with a degree in International Business, I took off to California and started my post graduate education at the California College of Ayurveda. I knew I wanted to go deeper and be able to not only heal myself but support others in their healing.

I totally immersed and began, as an adult to truly understand and incorporate all the teachings I had grown up with. The wisdom reminded me that I was home and I could trust myself wholeheartedly. I was gifted the space to rediscover my sense of self and true identity. Understanding and practicing to eat with reverence, exercising and moving my body with kindness and speaking words of love to myself, I followed the routines that served my unique physical and mental bodies best. I kept up with my yoga practices everyday and they too got deeper and more profound. I moved into forgiveness and understanding and let go of fighting and resisting the changes that had been and were taking place. I am so grateful to these teachings and to those teachers who offered their wisdom to me from my early childhood until now.

As I continue to learn and deepen my Sadhana (practices) and through every transition and change, I know that these ancient sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga are here to remind us of who we are at every moment in life. They are neutral energies that serve as unconditional love for the individual to workout the tendencies of the past and move forward in a continuous elevation of the heart and soul.
It is not always the easiest path, but what comes from this self work is a most beautiful human being who knows who they are and can truly experience the sweetness of life.

There are many different paths to take when it comes to healing.

What I have discovered within myself and have witnessed with others using Ayurveda and Kundalini Yoga is a most beautiful unveiling of hearts that want to live bright. I am forever grateful and honored to have these tools in my life and to share them with others.

I welcome you to deepen your life experience and discover your true and balanced self. These teachings and ways of living are for everyone at any stage of life. There is no better time to start then right now.

With love and gratitude,
Hari Simran


3-Minute Meditation for a Good Mood
