Common Nourishing Herbs:

  • Dandelion Root

  • Burdock Root

  • Stinging Nettles

  • Red Clover Blossom

  • Red Raspberry Leaf

  • Oatstraw

  • Cleavers

  • Chickweed

What is Nourishment? 
Simply put: nourishment is the presence of that which enables thriving, expression of spirit, and harmonious living. Nourishment or malnourishment is dictated by the quality of our food sources, our point of view, our community & relationships — our environment. Keep in mind nourishment will be different for every living being on the planet. 

Plants, our oldest living relatives, show us how to nourish and be nourished. They thrive in various conditions based on the sharing of nutrients alive in the fungal soil, the shaping from the winds, location/warmth of the sun and the frequency of rain. It’s an ongoing living experience that shifts with each season and the other living beings around them. 

Nourishing Herbs: Daily & Seasonal Rhythm 
Nourishing herbs encode these life experiences into their tissues. When we nourish relationships with them, their experiences merge with our bodies & teach us how to live in harmony with the cycle of the day, month, season, and year. Merging with the herbs takes effort, but eventually, it becomes effortless and natural. 

Hot Over-Night Infusion
With the moonrise, we build our Nourishing herbal tonic:

  • Add a handful of herbs to a 32oz jar.

  • Pour boiling hot water over.

  • Cover & infuse with the drawing power of the night.

  • At sunrise, strain the infusion to activate your digestion & drink one cup on an empty stomach.

Greeting ourselves each morning with wild nourishment gently infusing in our body brings us into a rhythm of waking, digesting, and sleeping.
When our bodies are nourished, our mind can merge with our sensorial experience and our spirit shines forth unencumbered. 


Amy is an herbalist living in Los Angeles, CA

Amy & her husband are the founders of Yin Dew, an online herbal store offering custom-blended tinctures, raw formulas, & other herbal goods. She finds an important aspect to her health & relationship with plants is aligning with the seasonal rhythms of the Earth. Plants grow and evolve, like us, in this rhythm. When we receive plants as medicine they remind us of this natural motion that we are born & live within. They show us how to merge with the spiral of life & live in harmony with all that is. Amy enjoys merging the Wise Woman Tradition with the myriad ways of nurturing relationships with Earth, Cosmos, Plants, Animals, & Spirit.

Hope Creative

Our mission is simple: we’re building brands that inspire, embracing the future of work and creatively crafting a beautifully concepted, fully strategized solution to each project. We take the client from step one to measured success with flawless attention to every detail. With spot-on brand voice, some kick ass creative, and an authentic marketing strategy, we will build profitability and popularity beyond imagination!!

If we can be still long enough for the mind to clear and the body to relax, that is when true healing takes place.


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