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Would you like to to understand more about mantras? For those of us who are new to yoga and meditation or for those of us who simply haven’t had the chance to inquire, below is a simple guide to the practice of Mantra.

Mantra was one of the first things I fell in love with. When I began the practice of yoga and meditation, I had no idea what I was chanting or what it meant. For me, I always took the approach that “if it feels right then it must be right for me.” This concept allowed me to bypass the mind’s control of always questioning “what does this mean, am I saying it right?” and all the other questions and sometimes resistance that seems to surface when we begin something new.

How I learned most of the mantras over the last decade, and the ones I know today, is by listening and then repeating. Later, as I began to connect even deeper I started to research the pronunciation and meaning of them. We all approach learning in different ways. Over the years that I have been teaching, I get many questions about mantras. I have answered some of these questions below for you to have a simple understanding of how and why we use them.


Mantras are described as, the creative projection of the mind. “ The science of mantra is based on the knowledge that sound is a form of energy having structure, power and definite predictable effects on the chakras and the human psyche.” Mantras are formulas that alter the patterns of the mind through sound and the chemistry of the brain.


We can use Mantra to elevate our thoughts. They also give the mind focus. When we use mantra either silently or out loud it creates a vibrational frequency, this vibration that we create is what we feel and project on to others. The power of mantra is in its sound vibration. That sound carries through our whole body allowing for a level of healing to happen.

When chanting mantra you are stimulating specific meridian points in the roof of the mouth, which is similar to an orchestra with many different instruments, making many different sounds. These sounds have a different effect on us. If we look at the meridian points in the mouth they have a certain way of opening different parts of our bodies and energy bodies to stimulate blissful, peaceful and ecstatic ways of feeling thus being.


All the time, especially when you find yourself in a negative place/mindset you can use a mantra to replace and uplift those feelings and thoughts.


A lot of the mantras that we use today are from shared text used in Sanskrit or other means of spiritual devotional practices. Mantras can also be experienced as affirmations. You can create your own affirmations that have the same effect as a mantra would.

An example would be : 

I AM peaceful, I AM understanding, I AM beautiful, I AM successful, I AM.

Close your eyes and count your fingers, by touching your thumb to each finger as you recite this 11 to 22 times in one sitting. Inhale and exhale once you are done. Open your eyes and experience how this has made you feel.


You can do both and find what you feel more comfortable with. If you do chant out loud you will begin to establish a new relationship with your voice and begin the develop the vibrational therapy I refer to above, but try it both ways and see what suites you.

There are many different types of mantras. I would suggest to listen to many and then see what seems to draw your attention and start there. A great place to find different types of mantras would be

One of the most healing sounds or vibration for you is your own voice. As you become comfortable with hearing your own voice you can begin to observe how the sensations of your voice makes you feel.

I have noticed over the years that when I practice mantras a healing energy comes from the warm sensation in my chest as I chant out loud. It may take a little practice to connect with the mantras and resonate with them on your own. However, it is through steady practice that we can truly have a personal and profound experience. I encourage you to commit to practicing. See how you feel over time, be open to creating a relationship with your voice and to the vibratory effect these healing mantras can have on you. If you would like to know more or would like more support, reach out to us at

With love, Onkar

Onkar is a Kundalini yoga student, teacher, and meditative healer. She has been practicing Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, since 2006 and began teaching in the summer of 2008.

She has lived in Alabama, Colorado and now resides in Los Angeles, California. Onkar’s classes focus on the deep healing of the self through meditation, breath, yoga, mantra, and relaxation.

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