The Past is a Place of Reference, Not Residence.

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It is easy for our minds to dwell, to hangout for many hours in the past and the future. To stick on a word, feeling, analyse, nit pick, take apart. Capable of greatness, our minds are strong, determined and often times stubborn.

We may forget, that in this strong, determined and stubborn mind lies freedom and peace. Our mind is our own, and we have the choice to change it. Pulling from the past to make the moment better is a choice. Looking to the future with present inspiration is the healing power of hope. What you choose to do is for You and what you choose to share with the world is how others may experience you.

My prayer is that you know how beautiful, bright, capable and confident you are. My prayer is that you know your love and you know how to be loved. My prayer is that we can, as a global community know the gift of our minds. My prayer is that we choose to be right here in the present moments together and show up with courage, full hearts, and determined kindness.


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