Happy Taurus Season from Kiyoka

♥Happy Taurus Season♥

Sat nam dear 40day family,

How are you feeling? 

It is now Taurus season and you may be feeling some changes in what you desire and how you want to spend your day, today versus a month ago. 

Taurus is an earth sign 🌍 and it is a good time to ground yourself, find your own steady pace, while making sure that you are moving in the right direction. 

Taurus energy inspires us to slow down and take time to nurture what is important for us. It also inspires us to to be more connected to the physical world, including the body and also five senses. Doing something that stimulates your five senses is recommended in this season. It could be music, food, nature, pottery… anything you like!  Enjoy the experience on this earth and feel lots of love and beauty around you. 

As long as you know where you are heading towards, mother nature will take care of your journey. No matter how slowly you are moving, you will arrive at your destination eventually. Don’t worry, trust in yourself, and the universe that will unfold your path along the way. 

Here is a kundalini kriya you can practice to help ground yourself and connect to your body. 

Kriya to Ground and Claim Your Aura

Forward fold twist

  • Stand with feet more than shoulder-width apart. Arms are out to the side with palms face down. Right hand touches the left foot as you bend forward, while the left hand reaches up. Come back up with arms to the side. Bend forward and left hand touches the right foot. Continue in a slow motion for 1 minute. 

  • Same movement as above, with a long deep breath in down position. 1minute.

  • Same movement with three long deep breaths in down position. 1minute. 

  • Same movement with five long deep breaths in down position. 

  • Slowly come up and stand with soft knees and hands down to the side for 1minute.  

Side stretch

  • Stand with the legs wide apart, arms parallel to the ground with palms facing down. Stretch to the left side while bringing the right arm over the head. Left arm reaches down the left side of the body. Come up to center with the arms parallel to the ground. Then stretch to the right side. Continue slowly at your own rhythm for 1 - 2 minutes. 

Standing Spinal Twist

  • Stand with the legs wide apart and arms parallel to the ground, twist the arms and the upper torso to the left, back to center, and to the right in a continuous movement. Be aware of the movements in your aura. 1-2 minutes. 


  • Deeply relax on your back and breathe with Mother Earth. 

It is a wonderful time for you to make your environment more beautiful and comfortable for yourself as part of self-love practice. Here are some tips to bring more joy into your life:

- Decorate your room with flowers

- Make your bed comfortable with natural quality fabrics

- Diffuse essential oils to create refreshing & relaxing ambiance

- Listen to classical music

- Massage your body from head to toes

- Go to beauty salon, facials, massage etc. and get pampered ♥

- Get in touch with nature to feel the mother earth and her love♥

- Wear clothes that make you feel beautiful

- Eat fresh, high vibe food with people you love♥

- Drink clean, fresh water

Have a happy Taurus season♥

Thank you for reading.

Much love,



A - Z Guide to Crystals


Honoring Our Earth Bodies