A - Z Guide to Crystals


Crystals interact with the body's energy field, creating balance and alignment. Many people use crystals for stress and focus, while others believe that crystals have the power to heal physical ailments and illnesses.

“Crystals are made up of different elements or compounds, which our bodies react to in different ways,” says Sonali Saujani, a crystal master healer. “Crystals are minerals that hold energy, and as we as humans are made up of energy, we can exchange energy with the crystal when we work with it.”

At 40 Day Rituals, we believe crystals should be an integral part of your daily meditation practice and lifestyle. We’ve outlined the meaning behind many stone and crystal qualities below.



Increases spiritual awareness, psychic abilities, inner peace, healing of body mind & soul, stimulates meditation, balance, relieves stress, communication.

Third Eye & Crown Chakra



Stimulates peace & serenity, meditation, soothing & calming energies, inspiration, shields the aura & aligns chakras, reduces stress, stone of courage and great to wear for mothers to be. 

Throat Chakra



Creates individuality, stimulates creativity, happiness, courage, self esteem, memory, emotional warmth, calms anger, encourages vitality & motivation, increases trust, boost fertility & sexuality.  

Base & Sacral Chakras



Increases happiness, prosperity & wealth, generosity, creativity, pleasure, protection, strength, confidence, energy, comfort, success, truth, goodness, warmth, digestion, assimilation, enjoyment of life, spiritual growth.  

Sacral & Solar Plexus

Crown Chakras



Harmony, energy healing, psychic abilities, clarity, calmness, draws off negativity energy of all kinds, neutralizes electro magnetic smog & petrochemical emanations, soul cleanser.  

Harmonizes All Chakras & aligns the Subtle bodies.



Love, romance, intuition, joy, clairvoyance, clear vision, faith, truth, memory & communication, physical & emotional healing, loyalty, domestic bliss, unity, friendship.  

Heart Chakra



Symbolic of Spirituality, the “master healer," helps to purify the physical body, helps to attract and maintain other stone’s qualities it is used with, and promotes physical health and wealth.

Clears negativity from all Chakras



Focus, concentration, grounding, will power, courage, confidence, optimism, trust, balance, stability, protection, enhances memory & vitality, helps to overcome addictions, supports kidneys & balance between ethereal and physical nervous systems. 

Base Chakra



Transformation, Psychic abilities, calming, imagination, promotes strength & perseverance through times of change, banishes fears & insecurities, faith & trust in self, helps with metabolism, stress, menstrual tension.

Base Chakra



Inner truth, power, intuition, love, purification, self confidence, manifestation, friendship, deep inner peace, protection from psychic attacks, self expression & communication, clarity & creativity, helps with the blood, nervous system, immune system, vertigo, insomnia & depression.

Throat Chakra & Third Eye Chakra



Strength, stamina, self control & confidence, happiness, good fortune, durability, wise decision making, helps with the blood & bones.  

Base Chakra & Green Onyx is for Heart Chakra



Purity, honesty, innocence, integrity, concentration, focus, meditation, tranquility, wisdom, sincerity, truth, helps with bloating, digestion, fertility and childbirth.  

Third Eye Chakra



Intelligence, powerful protection stone, mental stability, prosperity & abundance, creativity, psychic development, memory, optimism, protects against all negative energies, Incas used this stone for meditation and divination, healing of bones & cell formation.  

Solar Plexus Chakra



Unconditional love, self-love, mother love, caring, kindness, friendship, romance, comforts grief, trust, self forgiveness and acceptance, strengthens the physical heart and circulatory system, helps kidneys, adrenals and vertigo symptoms, promotes fertility and protects mother and unborn child from miscarriage.  

Heart Chakra



close up of ruby crystal for healing ritual

Integrity, devotion, happiness, healing, courage, passion, inspiration, prosperity, high energy, power & leadership, courage, joy, detoxifies the blood, body & lymphatic system, stimulates kidneys, adrenals, reproductive organs & spleen.

Base & Heart Chakra




Courtesy Energy Muse

The Rutilated Quartz crystal encourages us to go deep within our own psyche to gain clarity on the duality of the universe.

Protection, determination, will power, self control and confidence, illuminator of the soul, cleanses and energizes the aura, anti-depressant, promotes forgiveness, aids in exhaustion, good for mercury poisoning, chronic and thyroid conditions.  

Fire Element

All Chakras



Serenity & Purification, peace, meditation, universal consciousness, clarity of thought, purity of heart, universal love, integrity, spirituality, psychic development, forgiveness, positivity, a fragile stone, helps spinal column and promotes flexibility, helps with cancer, tumors, age spots, wrinkles, light sensitivity & free radicals. Crown Chakra



Communication, Love, Good fortune, health, attraction, heals & stimulates, recharges, re-motivates & aligns the meridians of the body, truth, forgiveness, relaxation, stone of love & good fortune, aids in digestion & helps with eating disorders, fortifies the nerves & stimulates metabolism.  

Air Element

Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra



Purification, serenity, protection, wisdom, balance, spirituality, strength, love, friendship, sensitivity, dispels negative energy & outside pollutant energy, self realization & romantic love, aligns all chakras and good for panic attacks, depression, anti-inflammatory, lungs & eyes.  Fire, Earth & Air Elements.  

Heart, Throat and Third Eye Chakras


Healing crystals for health

  • Clear quartz: a clear crystal considered a master healer and believed to support the entire energetic system

  • Jasper: a nurturing stone said to provide support during times of stress

  • Obsidian: believed to help process emotions and experiences and aid in letting go

  • Amethyst: used for healing, purifying, and enhancing willpower

  • Bloodstone: said to improve circulation and provide support to blood-related issues


Healing crystals for wealth

  • Tiger’s eye: said to provide motivation and lessen fear

  • Citrine: believed to spark enthusiasm, creativity, and concentration

  • Turquoise: thought to soothe emotions and attract good luck

  • Sapphire: known as a stone of prosperity

  • Jade: another well-known stone for prosperity and luck


Healing crystals for love

  • Rose quartz: sometimes referred to as the stone of love and believed to encourage love and trust

  • Moonstone: said to prompt feelings of inner strength and growth

  • Ruby: believed to support sexuality and sensuality


Kundalini Yoga for Beauty


Happy Taurus Season from Kiyoka