Ayurveda Transitions into the Vata (Fall)


As we prepare for the seasons to change from Summer to Fall, we can find solitude in nature’s ever changing landscape of wonder and beauty. Our body mimicking the natural cycle of the changing season we now turn towards the foods and practices that will support us in feeling our best during this seasonal change. Although it may seem hot outside, Fall is just around the corner and we can get ahead of the game if we begin to prepare now.

Summer is the Pitta time of year where we are outward, warm, craving foods that are cooling and enjoying fresh fruits and vegetables. As we make our transition into the Vata (Fall) time of year, we support our bodies with warm, hardier and more oily foods. Our practices become more nourishing and we can take a step towards slowing down and getting grounded to balance the air and ether qualities which are heightened. Just like any seasonal transition it is important to take extra special care of yourself. Get another hour of sleep, receive a massage, prepare more meals at home and be with your loved ones.
As we transition together let us remember that nature is on our side, all we need to do is listen and tune in.

​Check out the many offerings that are sure to provide you the tools for a peaceful and easeful transition into Fall. We have you all covered from Ayurvedic consultations, Kundalini Yoga and Meditations.

Happy October!

Blessings and love,
Hari Simran


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