5 Tips for Better Digestion


Good digestion is key to feeling happy, healthy and vital. When digestion is off, you may find yourself feeling slugish, uncomfortable, reactive, negative or experiencing brain fog.

There are some simple practices that you can incorporate into your daily routines and eating habits. Although they sound simple, it takes awareness, consistency and commitment to implement these practices into your life. I highly recdcomend doing so as these 5 tips can help you set a solid foundation for healing any digestive issue.

Once you can practice these things, the foods, diets and herbal support will have a much better chance of really working for you. If you find yourself unsure about what to eat, what diet to follow or the best herbs to support your digestive system or heal specific digestive troubles, you can contact Hari Simran at 40 Day Rituals to see if Ayurveda can support you in feeling your very best.

For more information head to the private offerings tab on the 40 Day Rituals website.

5 Tips for better digestion:

  1. Take 3-4 sips of hot water before your meal.

  2. Eat in a calm environment without distractions.

  3. Go for a 10-15 minute walk after your meals.

  4. Do not eat when you are overly emotional.

  5. Take 3 long inhales and exhales before and after your meals.


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