5 Tips for Balancing Pitta During the Pitta Season

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Don’t let the heat get the best of you! Enjoy the summer months without compromising your health. These are my top 5 tips for balancing Pitta (the fire element within our body and mind) during the Pitta (Summer) time of year.

  1. Change your diet: eat seasonal foods that are naturally abundant and ripe during the Summer.

  2. Spend time outside in the mornings and evenings when the sun is more mild. Avoid being outside in the middle of the day (between 12pm and 2pm)

  3. Drink plenty of cool water (not iced) throughout the day and especially during the afternoon hours.

  4. Add fresh cooling herbs like cilantro and mint to your foods and to your water.

  5. Commit to the routines that keep you grounded. As Summertime can be a lot of “outward” energy, keeping your meditation and ritual practices is key.

Get the most of your summer and include at least one of these tips. Give it 2 weeks and notice how you feel.

For more details on how to balance your unique constitution and feel better, connect with Hari Simran for an Ayurvedic consultation.

Knowing the art of self healing is the right of every human being.


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