My Daily Self-Care


Our everyday self-care is so important in order for us to achieve success throughout the day. Maybe you ask what I mean by success?

To me a successful day is a day where I feel calm, beautiful and peaceful. It is a day where I can navigate life in its unexpectedness with grace and ease; whether it may be in traffic, a disagreement with my husband, long lines at the grocery store, a fussy baby .... all the things that life presents us with on a daily basis.

I wanted to share with you some of my morning rituals that have really made a difference in my life on so many levels. Feel free to incorporate some or all of these into your routine and share your feedback with me at. I love hearing all the ways in which others benefit from these time-tested, ancient healing ways.


My daily self-care routine:

1. Oil pulling with coconut oil

Oil pulling can also be done with sesame seed oil and is done for 15 mins. I normally do it for two five minutes while I brush my hair or clean my face.  

A how-to guide for oil pulling here.


2. Body dry brushing.

I love dry brushing and rarely ever go a morning without it. This Ayurvedic ritual has been done for centuries and it known to stimulate the lymphatic system and helps to elevate toxins from the body. It clears the skin and will leave you feeling energized and smooth all-over.

A how-to guide on dry brushing.


3. Oil on the body and a cold shower.

I love taking a cold shower. For me it really opens up my sinuses and gives me a boost of energy. If you’re not into cold showers maybe you would be if you knew the benefits which is called hydrotherapy. Here’s a link from 3ho that gives you a list of goodness for cold showers.


4. Yoga and meditation.

Being able to move the body in various ways through Kundalini Yoga has taught me how to heal my body on a daily basis.

Meditation helps me to clear any fogginess, emotions and excessive thoughts that may come for me. It brings me into my heart and gives me personal space to say my prayers and gratitude for the blessings on lessons I receive. 


Hope Creative

Our mission is simple: we’re building brands that inspire, embracing the future of work and creatively crafting a beautifully concepted, fully strategized solution to each project. We take the client from step one to measured success with flawless attention to every detail. With spot-on brand voice, some kick ass creative, and an authentic marketing strategy, we will build profitability and popularity beyond imagination!!

In Love and Gratitude for all Mother's around the world


How to to calculate your very own Heart number