Healthy Smoothie Recipe

Let’s face it, working moms don’t have time to make a gourmet breakfast before starting the day. This means that preparedness is key to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Ever since the birth of first child I found myself looking for recipes that were not only nourishing and healthy, but also satisfyingly delicious! Smoothies are my go-to morning breakfast staple that delivers all of the above. Below is a one of my recent creations. I hope you enjoy it as much I do! 

*Bonus Tip: Play your favorite mantra in the background as you prepare you smoothie for added relaxation and mindfulness.


1 frozen organic banana

1 whole organic avocado

1 cup frozen organic strawberries

3 tablespoons of hemp seeds

+ filtered or spring water

Blend well and top with fresh blueberries and a sprinkle of hemp seeds.

For added sweetness and crunch add honey or maple syrup, topped with granola!

Hope Creative

Our mission is simple: we’re building brands that inspire, embracing the future of work and creatively crafting a beautifully concepted, fully strategized solution to each project. We take the client from step one to measured success with flawless attention to every detail. With spot-on brand voice, some kick ass creative, and an authentic marketing strategy, we will build profitability and popularity beyond imagination!!

Full Moon Meditation and Numerology for April.

